Frank Frazetta
1928 ~ 2010
The Famous Funnies ~ Weird Science Fantasy #29 Print
I forget where I first saw the ad for the handcolored print by Frazetta
of WSF #29 but it was probably the RBCC in early 1971 or perhaps
Russ sent me the ad! We all know the story surrounding this stunning
piece of art, originally drawn as the Buck Rogers cover intended for
Famous Funnies #217 but it was rejected for it's violence. Bill Gaines
then accepted it and used it as the cover for Weird Science Fantasy #29
with some changes, most notably removing Buck's helmet and putting
hair on the caveman climbing up onto the ledge! It was being offered
as an edition of 50 with each piece being colored, signed and each with
an original sketch at the bottom by Frazetta for $200! I immediately sent
off for it...$200 was a lot for me back then but I had to have it! That July
at the Seuling show in New York I ran into Russ and he told me that
the price had been reduced to $150 and I had the choice of a $50 refund
or an original Johnny Comet daily and $10...I opted for the 2nd option!
Russ told me he would show me the Comet dailies he had later at the show!
The next day my brother and I were getting into the elevator and when
the doors opened there was Russ and he told us to follow him! We got off at
a lower floor, knocked at the door which was opened by Frazetta!
We spent an hour with Frank, Ellie and Russ..a very heavy experience...
Around the room were dozens of his greatest paintings, including
the Conans, Bran Mak Morn, the 2nd series of ERB paintings and on and on!
Sitting on a table were a stack of Johnny Comet dailies and I was able to
go through them and choose the one I wanted! I'll never forget that day!
I don't think the edition of 50 was ever finished... I believe there was
only about 35 done...some of the colored prints along with the ads and
paperwork regarding them that I still have!

Postscript ~ One of my biggest regrets!
Several months after paying the $200 for the WSF #29 print
I received this xeroxed note from Russ offering three
original paintings by Frazetta for sale! For under $1,000
I could have bought the original covers to Creepy #2, #3 & #6
Stupid, stupid, stupid!!!

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